Jackson, J. E. 1991. A User's Guide to
Principal Components. Published by Wiley-Interscience; ISBN: 0471622672.
Richard A. Reyment, K. G. Joreskog, Leslie F. Marcus. 1996. Applied Factor Analysis in the Natural Sciences Published by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) ISBN: 0521575567
Legendre, P. and L. Legendre. 1998. Numerical Ecology Elsevier. 853 pages. ISBN: 0444892494
Brian S. Everitt, Graham Dunn. 1998. Applied Multivariate Data Analysis John Wiley & Sons. Paperback, 304 pages. ISBN: 0340545291
Bernhard Flury. 1997. A First Course in Multivariate Statistics. (Springer Texts in Statistics). Hardcover, 800 pages. Springer Verlag. ISBN: 038798206X
J. Douglas Carroll, Paul E. Green, Anil Chaturvedi. 1997. Mathematical Tools for Applied Multivariate Analysis. Paperback, 448 pages. Academic Pr. ISBN: 0121609553
W. J. Krzanowski. 2000. Principles of Multivariate Analysis : A User's Perspective. Revised edition. (Oxford Statistical Science Series, 3). Paperback. Clarendon Pr. ISBN: 0198507089
J. Podani. 1994. Multivariate Analysis in Ecology & Systematics. Balogh Scientific Books, Leiden; ISBN: 9051030940
J. Podani. 2000. A Introduction to the Exploration of Multivariate Biological Data. Backhuys, Leiden. ISBN: 90-5782-067-6
Barbara G. Tabachnick, Linda S. Fidell, and Linda Fidell. 2000. Using Multivariate Statistics (4th Edition). Allyn & Bacon; ISBN: 0321056779
Peter H.A. Sneath and Robert R. Sokal. 1973. Numerical Taxonomy : The Principles and Practice of Numerical Classification. W. H. Freeman: New York. Out of print.
Marcus et al. 1993. Contributions to morphometrics Out of print.
Graham Dunn, Brian S. Everitt. 1982. An Introduction to Mathematical Taxonomy. Out of print (but now available as a Dover reprint).
Nicholas Jardine and Sibson. 1991. Mathematical taxonomy. Out of print.
A. J. Cole. 1983. Numerical Taxonomy Out of print.
Joseph Felsenstein (Editor). 1983. Numerical Taxonomy (NATO Asi Series. Series G, Ecological Sciences ; No. 1).
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